Choose the right heating and air conditioning system for your home and you’ll save money upfront, recuperate your investment through lower energy bills or both.
The EZTR Series of Tankless Water Heaters from Noritz is a complete installation bundle to streamline the switch from tanked unit to a more efficient tankless water heater. Each EZTR bundled package includes everything needed for easy, no hassle installation. The box comes fully ready with the water heater, a single vent conversion kit, a flex vent conversion kit (25 feet of 2-inch flex), an isolation valve kit and a startup guide.
The EZTR series includes 3 models for fast and direct indoor replacement of your tank water heater. The EZTR40 for replacement of a 40-gallon tank, the EZTR50 for replacement of a 50-gallon tank and a EZTR75 for replacement for a 75-gallon tank water heater.