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Amana PHWT-A150H Wired remote Thermostat 2H/1C
The Amana PHWT-A150H is a non programmable thermostat with 2-Stage
Heat/Single-Stage Cool Heat Pump or Single-Stage Heat/Single-Stage Cool
Electric Heat. It can be used with Cooling/Conventional PTAC units, with
or without electric heat and Heat Pump PTAC units, with or without
electric heat. This thermostat is easy to use with a large LCD Display
screen and simple temperature up and down soft touch pads and
Heat/Off/Cool and Fan On/Auto slide switches.
- Large, Backlit 3" Display
- 2 Speed Fan - Slide Switch settings include Auto, Low and High
- Temperature Limits
- Field Adjustable Calibration
- PTAC/PTHP Operation - 2 Stage Heat / 1 Stage Cool Heat Pump; 1 Stage Heat / 1 Stage Cool Electric Heat
- Temperature Control: 45°F - 90°F
- Accuracy: ±1°F
- Patented Thermal Intrusion Barrier
- Manual Changeover
- Adjustable Maximum Heat / Minimum Cool Set Points
- Hardwired
Electrical Rating:
- 24 VAC (19-30 VAC)
- 1.5 amp maximum per terminal; 3 amp maximum total load
- Easy access terminal block
Key Specifications
- Amana
- Standard